Cure Technologies Support Group


Cure Volunteer

Imagine visiting an impressive white castle built on a cliff, exploring a bustling market with over 11,000 stalls, encountering a wide range of wildlife in national parks that include 90 different species of animals, including elephants, and lounging on beautiful tropical beaches or the largest man-made lake in the world. What if we told you that you could experience all of these amazing sights in just one country? With volunteer opportunities available in Ghana, you can make it happen!

Ghana is a country that has a lot to offer. It is a wonderful representation of Africa and is a vibrant and popular location for volunteering. Many opportunities for volunteering in Ghana are both plentiful and amazing. It is important to volunteer in a sustainable and impactful manner when abroad, and we have volunteer programs in Ghana that will assist you in achieving this.

Express your interest in volunteering by submitting an application

Interested in participating in one of our programs? Apply so we can confirm:

  • There’s availability on your chosen dates
  • You qualify for your chosen program

Prior experience is not required and there’s no commitment at this stage.